Friday, March 14, 2014

Field Trip Friday - Frost

Frost is a local doughnut bakery that had gotten rave reviews. Since we are down to only one car now and Daddy needed it to go to work we often find ourselves needing to venture out on foot. There isn't much I would consider a nice "walking distance" but there are things within a few miles. Let me first say, the doughnuts were amazing. Thankfully or this trip would have seemed even more fruitless.

It was the getting there that was the issue. So as you know it rains and rains and rains here this time of year. We asked some neighbors if there was anything in walking distance I could take the kids in the stroller to. I was told "just  through the park" is a shopping center with some quaint shops and a grocery store. Great! So we set off (mind you it is drizzling at the moment but if we don't get out in the rain we would never get out.) down to the park. It is about a 10 min walk to the park and we easily find the trail though to where the shops are said to be. What we haven't been told is that the "trail" is in fact a floating boardwalk. I think, ok, girls stay close I don't want you falling into the swamp. Cause it was…..a swamp. We got a little over half way there and the boardwalk could not hold the weight of us and the stroller so we started to sink. As long as we kept moving at a steady pace we were just getting our shoes and socks and bottom of our pants wet. It was so gross. We finally made it through soaked to the bone and the shopping center was no where to be seen. It was still two miles away!!! Well, I wasn't stopping now and I sure as heck wasn't going back the way I came! We made it to town and went in a couple shops only for me to realize I had somehow lost my wallet.  Really? I was frantically searching for it when the police department called me (they traced me down on Facebook!) to say someone had turned it in. So in the rain we walked to the station. Thankfully nothing was missing. I called Daddy and told him we would be waiting in the local bookstore until he was done with work. Welcome to Washington! Hopefully the rain clears up soon! :/

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