Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Who's Mouse is in the House?

I have seen a bunch of cute things floating around pintrest with this basic idea but we of course needed to Disneyfy ours!

The idea is pretty basic. I printed out pictures of each girl onto a label sheet (saves time!) and stuck them to some precut mouse heads. Off to the laminator they went! Then I super glued the stick to the back to create Mickey Ice Cream bars (a family favorite park snack!) Finally I stuck sticky velcro strips to the back of each mouse and the opposite side to the front of the clubhouse picture. Each day a different "mouse" rotates into the clubhouse. If there is ever a disagreement over anything during the day (whats for lunch, which movie to watch, what game we play) I ask the girls, "Which mouse is in the house?". Which ever girl is in the clubhouse that day gets the final decision no ifs ands or buts!

We just implemented it earlier this week so I will come back and update with how it is working later!

Monday, July 14, 2014

A Lesson in NOT Swallowing Pennies

There is always an adventure in our house and with school being out for summer the girls are left to their own devices for entertainment at times.

I was quietly walking around the grocery store without kids (you moms know what heaven this can be!) when I get a phone call with a panicked Daddy on the other end of the line…."Middle E has swallowed a penny!! Hurry home we need to go to the ER!!!'

My first reaction, is she breathing?? She was. Is she acting ok? She was. Ok, well lots of kids swallow things and they just come out the other end in time.

But Middle E was complaining an hour later that her throat still hurt and telling me the penny was "stuck". So to the ER we went.

You would have never thought there was a thing wrong with her. She was bouncing around singing and dancing for all the nurses. I think she was really enjoying all the attention. It made me begin to wonder if there was even a penny stuck in there at all. Daddy had not SEEN the penny being swallowed. So off to X ray we went.

Yep. There's a penny. Yep. It's stuck. We were admitted to the Seattle Children's Hospital for overnight observation. This included no food/drink and little sleep. Oh, and about 6 more X rays just like the one above to make sure it hadn't moved on before they rushed her into surgery. Nope, wasn't going anywhere.

So in she went, they knocked her out and went down her throat and pulled it out.

Here she is just waking up with her penny. She said it was all clean now. She also told me next time she would stick to dimes because they are smaller. How about no. Stinker.

She is now all recovered and back to her normal self. We have had numerous MORE talks, in addition to the ones we had already had, about not putting things that are not food into your mouth.

Lesson learned? We shall see…...

Friday, June 27, 2014

Field Trip Friday - Bailey Farm Berry Picking

We went with our local homeschool group this week to a farm for berry picking! They girls had a great time collecting berries - though I think they may have eaten more along the way than ended up in their baskets!

The farm also had a great indoor recrational area that was in an old barn. The girls loved riding tractors, swinging on "blackie" and trying to rope a steer.

The farm has numerous "pick your own" seasons and we can't wait to go back later this year for more goodies!

Friday, May 9, 2014

Field Trip Friday - Daisy Between Earth and Sky Amazing Race

Another Ambassador troop in our area was putting on an "Amazing Race" for local daisies to come and earn their Between Earth and Sky journey badges all in one go. They had tents set up with different parts of the journey for girls to work on and they would get their clues to the next "destination" once we finished whatever the task was. We had just finished this journey with the daisies in our troop so it was a great final finish for our girls!

Monday, May 5, 2014

Cinco De Mayo 2014

Back in San Antonio Cinco De Mayo is on the tail end of the two week celebration of Fiesta. We were sad to think that we would miss all the fun so we had Grandma ship us some fun Fiesta dresses and we ordered a piƱata. We didn't want to celebrate alone so we invited some of the co op kids to come celebrate with us. We had so much yummy food and even had the kids decorate shoeboxes for our float  parade!

Friday, April 11, 2014

Filed Trip Friday - Imagine Children's Museum

We have been venturing out more into our new surroundings and today we decided to check out the recommended Imagine Children's Museum in Everett, WA.

It did not disappoint with the many different themed areas there was something for everyone!

The first place the girls were enthralled with was the air flow section and how it changes paths when you move different levers and the handkerchiefs would come out of different sections based on the air flow path.

Next we ventured to the camping area where they had tents, play horses, and a campfire for your weenie roast.

We were then off to the Ferry to cool off after our "outdoor" adventure.

We headed up to check out the rooftop play ground and of course it was raining! (this is WA after all!) I am sure it will be a lot of fin when we go back on a clear day.

Second to last we had to check out the construction zone. Big E loves to build and the littles love to destroy. Needless to say Big E does not always love the latter.

Finally we took in a show in the theatre by "3 Sisters E" productions. First rate stuff here.

I also took a card for their educational department as they offer co op classes and also Girl Scout badge courses. I def recommend going here. They have an annual pass for about $100 per family which would be well worth it if you plan on going more than once in a year.
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