Friday, May 9, 2014

Field Trip Friday - Daisy Between Earth and Sky Amazing Race

Another Ambassador troop in our area was putting on an "Amazing Race" for local daisies to come and earn their Between Earth and Sky journey badges all in one go. They had tents set up with different parts of the journey for girls to work on and they would get their clues to the next "destination" once we finished whatever the task was. We had just finished this journey with the daisies in our troop so it was a great final finish for our girls!

Monday, May 5, 2014

Cinco De Mayo 2014

Back in San Antonio Cinco De Mayo is on the tail end of the two week celebration of Fiesta. We were sad to think that we would miss all the fun so we had Grandma ship us some fun Fiesta dresses and we ordered a piƱata. We didn't want to celebrate alone so we invited some of the co op kids to come celebrate with us. We had so much yummy food and even had the kids decorate shoeboxes for our float  parade!

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